What needs to happen to deliver the striking schoolchildren the deliverance they are pleading for in the face of the climate threat? How far are the big oil companies away from being able to help with that?
Those who would like the original powerpoint, with source urls as notes, can find it – with all the other source files, for free use – in this folder.
The “energy revolution” will come when a half trillion dollars of global direct financial subsidies (as well as unprofitable investor financing) for fossil burning are outlawed or otherwise finished. This financial scam, also including atomic fission, is the biggest racket on earth. Revolution for the children – count me in.
Very grateful credible people like you can see how we could make the necessary transition. It truly is “immoral & suicidal” not to seize this opportunity. For some, it’s worse than that as they do their best to make it impossible. Eg:
Good, solid, frank, yet encouraging stuff – thank you
teacher in South Africa
We just had a first time Kids for Climate event in front of the Calgary City Hall (in the province famous for tar sands). 22 Feb 2019.
Next will be the global event, 15 March 2019.
Yeah Greta !!!!