State of The Transition post-Marrakech: Unity is strength as the "irreversible" climate train rolls towards Trumpism 21 Nov 2016 jeremyl Blogs
Trump's win will slow climate action and renewables, but as the reactions at COP 22 show already, he will fail in his fossil promises 14 Nov 2016 jeremyl Blogs
"Something post-colonial": As Mrs May pitches UK plc in India, my eye witness account of Mr Cameron's equivalent trip. …And that was then. 6 Nov 2016 jeremyl Blogs
State of The Transition, October 2016: As the Paris Agreement enters into force, momentum in the great energy system change continues to outpace setbacks 4 Nov 2016 jeremyl Blogs
The renewable energy and waste industries: 21st century confederates in changing the global economy 11 Oct 2016 jeremyl Blogs
State of The Transition, September 2016: “Anyone who does not understand what is going on is not in the right place.” 3 Oct 2016 jeremyl Blogs
In the UK’s scramble to “keep the lights on”, the new government should listen to its favourite newspaper 11 Sep 2016 jeremyl Blogs
State of The Transition, July 2016: Might the fossil fuel industries implode faster than the clean energy industries can grow to replace them? 3 Aug 2016 jeremyl Blogs
State of The Transition, June 2016: A long list of advances, a short list of setbacks – including Brexit. 1 Jul 2016 jeremyl Blogs
Imagine being responsible for the balance sheet of the company driving the nuclear fiasco slowing deployment of green energy in the UK 3 Jun 2016 jeremyl Blogs
The global energy transformation and innovation: the case of Solarcentury and Sunstation 31 May 2016 jeremyl Blogs
An open letter to solar companies: Beware alliance with the gas (and oil) industry 9 May 2016 jeremyl Blogs
State of The Transition, April 2016: Unfolding like the plot of an epic novel 3 May 2016 jeremyl Blogs
State of The Transition, March: Falling global carbon emissions from energy, and much this month to encourage those who hope for more such 3 Apr 2016 jeremyl Blogs
State of The Transition, February: “Most fossil fuel companies face a future in which they might not have the capital to expand even if they still want to." 1 Mar 2016 jeremyl Blogs
State of The Transition, mid – late January: Oil oversupply, shale bankruptcies, gas leaks, and a whiff of securities fraud 3 Feb 2016 jeremyl Blogs
State of The Transition, early – mid January: "I promise you …we will be celebrating" 2 Feb 2016 jeremyl Blogs