Jean Laherrere, oil analyst, on ASPO France website: Conclusions: “Production oil & gas data are unreliable and the UN should put as a priority to oblige every country to publish true and complete data on energy, in particular on fossils fuels which are the gift of humanity, because soon the world will suffer energy constraints.
….It is a must to get the true data to show that fossil fuels will soon peak.” “The present study is based on ultimate estimated mainly from extrapolation of discovery data coming from scout databases. Only three countries report reliable field data: UK, Norway and the Federal US. If most other countries follows their example, such study would be much more reliable. it is a shame that it is not understood in New York at the United Nations or in Brussels for the European Union.
With the poor present data it seems that world oil production will peak before 2020, Non-OPEC soon and OPEC around 2020.
OPEC oil export will cease before 2050.
Of course the present study is based on questionable assumptions and unreliable data, but anyone can look at the graphs and make his own interpretation or can challenge the data.
But I do not know any study showing as much as this paper.”
And updates: Laherrere J.H. 2013 «Actualisation de la présentation Toulouse 26 Aout 2004 Journée d’Eté des Verts : Pic du pétrole et autres pics » Journées du parti EELV Université de Marseille 22 aout
Laherrere J H. 2004 «Pic d’Hubbert et autres pics» debat avec Y.Cochet, P.Haas, P.Labeyrie « Energie, pic d’Hubbert » Journees d’ete des Verts Toulouse 26 Aout