Oil & gas lobbyist group the Western Energy Alliance “praised the Trump administration for turning the oil companies’ requests into policy.”
The New York Times reports comments from Kathleen Sgamma, president of the Western Energy Alliance: “The Obama-era E.P.A. methane rule, she said, “was the definition of red tape. It was a record-keeping nightmare that was technically impossible to execute in the field.”
“Ms. Sgamma praised the Trump administration for turning the oil companies’ requests into policy, noting that the Obama administration frequently turned proposals from environmental groups into policy.“It all depends on who you trust,” she said. “That administration trusted environmentalists. This one trusts industry”.”
This beyond madness, especially given NASA’s recent methane discovery in the Arctic. There is no reasoning with people like Trump and these lobbyists. They have to be, respectively, voted out by the electorate and controlled by regulators or civilisation is going to end up as toast.
Image: screenshots from Western Energy Alliance website