Westminster Energy Forum – Next steps for the renewable energy industry in the UK: The case of solar

The global solar market today is a success story redolent with potential to inspire progress on wider fronts in the battle for a livable future. The UK story is incongruent with this global picture. Why? What needs to be done to set things right? At the Westminster Energy, Environment and Transport Forum this morning I offer my top three suggestions for what needs to change.

The slideshow is derived, as ever, from entries in the Future Today chronology. Those who would like the original powerpoint, with source urls as notes, can find it – with all the other source files, for free use – in .

One comment

  1. Aargh, the frustration!! We need to remind ourselves regularly the progress that IS being made and understand the difficulty transitioning so much heavy infrastructure and our cultural habits. Here in France the challenges are exactly the same but I feel we are finally all approaching a tipping point. Keep up the great work you and your team are doing and thank you so much for sharing.

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